Saturday, June 9, 2007

Top 5 People I want to fight!

Wow, its been a while since my last post. But have no fear I'm back in action!
People may think this to be a pretty cruel topic to write about, but its something I want to get off my chest, so here we go!

Number 5: The zoom zoom kid.
Reasoning: I have no idea why I do not like this kid, but ever since those retarded commercials started airing, I have hated that kids voice and wanted to fight him!
Chance of winning the fight: 83%

Number 4:The entire MCR(My Chemical Romance)band.
Reasoning: I hate the band, there a disgrace to music and I do not like their style or anything about them, seems like a pretty good reason to want to fight them, I don't care how many of them they are, I don't think they will be able to beat me with their tight pants and long hair.
Chance of winning the fight: 30%

Number 3: Derek Boogaard.
Reasoning: The dude is huge, and when you want to test how strong you are find the biggest, baddest looking person you can think of. The dude is one of the biggest players in the NHL at 6'7 and 270 lbs, the dude is a monster and has most frequently put his mark on the NHL by breaking Todd Fedoruk's face. This man is one of my favorite fighters in the NHL and I want to fight him, just so I can say at parties "Yea, well I have fought Derek Boogaard!"
Chance of winning the fight: -93%

Number 2: Dylan McNabb.
Reasoning: This was sort of a request, I was thinking of putting him on there but being my cousin and all I didn't think it was right to put him on here but he asked so. Dylan is a blue belt in judo, and a all around tough guy. This is the one fight on here that might happen if we decide to fight for fun, in a hockey style slug fest. That fight won't be happening till my concussion, broken nose and bruised neck go away.
Chance of winning the fight: 50% (seems like a fair fight!)

And coming in at number 1, you may not have expected this one, but here it is.
Number 1: Who ever the hell is reading this.
Reasoning: The reason I want to fight you is because your reading my blog, and you wanted to see if you were the top 5 list of people I wanted to fight, so here you are!
Chance of winning the fight: 100%! (unless Derek Boogaard is reading this!)

So enjoy the list and if I get enough comments I will make a top 10, and if you want to fight me, leave a comment about it, and I will fight you, that is no lie!

Keep your feet on the ground!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pfft only 50%?! bah, im tougher then Boggard, ill mash him up good (unless like you said, he's reading this.. in which case.. have had it Derek, you win!) but ya nice list bud :D