Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Love: Is it really what we think it is?

Lately I've been thinking about love, with all my friends starting to get into relationships, they say they are in "love" with the person.

My question to you is,can a person really be in "love" with someone after a few days of dating, or do people starting feeling emotions for a person and immediately call it love? I highly doubt that their in "love".

The last relationship I was in, the girl wanted me to put I Love her, in my MSN name, and then I got to thinking about it. If I truly did love her, and she truly loved me, why did I have to put it in my msn name? Which brings me onto my next point, why do people find it obvious to tell their girlfriend/boyfriend that they love them everyday, the person should know that you love them, why else would you be dating? I would find it suspicious that my girlfriend found it necessary to tell me that she loved me every time she saw me. Could just be me though.

And this brings me to my final point about peoples false view on love. My friend who's been with his girlfriend for over a year and a half, and he just bought his girlfriend a 300 dollar necklace, keep in mind that he is only 16. I would think that if a girl truly loved me, she wouldn't want me to spend that kind of money on her, and I wouldn't feel that I would need to. I would hope that the time we spend together, would be worth more then any jewelry I could buy for her.

Thanks for reading,

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