Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech: Our thoughts are with you.

If you had been reading my old blog, you would know I like to make jokes about things and I use the Screen Name, Clubbytheseal. But today I am posting as Ian, and there will be no jokes in this update.
Most of you may know that yesterday, there was a tragedy at Virginia Tech College, 33 people were killed by a gunman who attended the school, his name was Cho Seung-Hui, and he was 23. Many people say that he was a social outcast, a "loner" is what they called him. They say that he committed this monstrosity because of a feud with his girlfriend, but most people don't kill 33 people, because of a argument with there girlfriend.

Jack Thompson is a useless human being. Jack comes out on the day of the shooting and announces that Cho Seung- Hui played violent video games, and that was the reason he did what he did. That is complete horse shit, even if he did play video games, their is no need for a person to say something like that after such a tragedy, I'm pretty sure the parents of the people who lost there lives aren't going to want to hear that the person who murdered there children, played video games, that doesn't matter to them, their children have been killed.

To end this update I would like to say one thing to the families of those who were killed.
Mourn not the time that you will miss with you're loved ones, but remember the time that you had with them.
I would ask you all to pray for the families of those who lost their loved ones.

Thanks for reading,

1 comment:

Sar-uh said...

I totally agree with you, on what you have written, Ian.
I would not want to hear about some douche bag who killed my child, along with 32 others, played violent video games, or had a fight with his girlfriend.
The fucker killed my kids. He killed my dignity (so to speak), and deserves to die 33 times over, to feel the pain all of those young innocent people felt.

Awesome argument.
Keep it up.