Saturday, August 11, 2007

Good to be here, thanks for having me.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and after a long conversation with my good friend Jonathan Wall, I realized my life is pretty freakin' kick ass.
People always seem to be asking me "Ian how come you don't have a girl friend" or "Ian how come you don't go to parties ever" and I always reply with this statement, "Because I don't want to". Then I always get looked at cock eyed by the person. Like I'm speaking some foreign language. But really I don't think its different that I don't want to go to parties or have a girl friend. You may be asking your self "Well what do you do all the time?" Well the simple answer to that question is, I'm a gamer.
Now you may be asking your self, you'd rather play video games then go out and get drunk, hell yes I would. Now compare these to things.

Playing video games:
- Meet new people if you play online games.
-Talk to people while playing video games.
-Video games require thought and patience to play, and a hell of a lot of skill in some cases.
-There fun to play, everyone likes playing video games.

Now on to Partying:
-Getting drunk=Hang overs and fighting with your friends (I know this from first hand experience)
-Getting drunk leads to acting like an idiot, and who wants to do that.
-Partying requires going places were people will be acting like idiots, and who wants that?

And no I'm not some shut in who sits at home playing video games and watching star trek. I play plenty of sports, I got plenty of friends who I go out and do stuff with, I work out. And all my friends are like me. I got no problem with people who party and such, I'm sure it would be fun if you enjoyed that type of thing. So All I gotta say is do what you gotta do to be happy, and enjoy life.

-People who keep their head down, and their eyes closed, miss the true beauty of what the world holds.


Friday, June 15, 2007

A plea for help...

What the hell is wrong with the world today? All these new fads today, making shit that isn't cool seem cool. I'll start off with Gangsters, oh no, we idolize a bunch of idiots who are too fucking stupid and can't pass the 8th grade English, and they sing about shooting people. I guarantee 90% of the people who say they have shot someone have never fired a gun in real life, so killing people is cool eh? Doesn't seem like it makes much sense.
Next I'll talk about the "Emo" culture. All these little faggot ass twig kids are running around painting there nails black and saying how everyone is such a conformist, hey guess what you god damn morons, YOUR A CONFORMIST. Emo is one of the most popular styles these days, so yea you pretty much are following the other kids who decided to become flaming homosexuals.
The next thing I'm gona talk about is probably the life style that pisses me off the most. Goths/Punks, I'm placing them in the same category because there both annoying and loser-ish.
The biggest problem I have with punks and goths are that they hang around outside malls and movie theaters doing stupid things trying to be annoying and cool. Hey guess what you fags, hanging outside a mall in the middle of the day isn't cool, go do something productive with your life.
I guess people could say that I'm to mean and that I need to not let it bother me, well screw you. When I see these types of kids hanging around, it honestly makes me mad and I want to kick the living shit out of each and every one of them, but that would be to nice of a thing to do to them. I say us "normal" people need to cure our towns and schools of this "infection" on the world. All three of these types of people need to be tied up and beaten until they realize what idiots they look like. Ohwell I won't be doing anything about this myself, but if you are in one of those 3 categories, guess what go to hell, I don't give to shits if you have a problem with what I'm saying, get a life you morons.

Monday, June 11, 2007

To all my super hero brothers!

This post is going out all my Super Hero Brothers! Moltar, Akhmed, The Somalian Assasin, Zomgzman, Batguy and Andromache. And everyone else who hasn't been named.
This group is designated to kicking ass, and just being plain out 1337 (Leet for you nubs).
The group started on a hot summer day playing football at lunch when I, Zoltak pulled my shirt over my head and started challenging people to combat me, then Moltar accepted the challenge, and so began the brigade of super hero's that we are!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

What is the meaning of life.

What is the meaning of life? A question man has pondered for many years, centuries even. But what is the real meaning of life.
The answer, is 42 (most of you should get that joke. If not, leave this blog now).
But what is the real meaning of life, well in my opinion there is no "meaning" of life or what we think the meaning should be. To me life is all about having fun, living, loving and laughing with your friends and having a good time. Sure people are gonna do bad things to you every now and again, and you should handle those how you see fit (in my case its fighting, but thats not for everyone). I don't think the whole live life being nice and doing good things for everyone even if they are bad to you comes into play with the meaning of life. To mean if someone does something wrong to me I'm going to do something equally as wrong to them, the eye for an eye method of doing things. Sure I let stuff slide every now and again but most of the time you should not let people push you around.
Really what I'm trying to say is be yourself and live how you want to live, don't let any "rules of living" keep you from having fun. I mean that in limited way, don't go killing lads and lasses just to have a bit of fun. Have fun within legal status, and do things that won't hurt other people, unless of course its sports then have as much fun wailing on people as you like.
Well I guess I did just pretty much explain what I think life is all about, and I'm pretty sure that it is pretty much a "meaning" of life, I guess I just put in my two cents on how you should live your life.

Their are two types of people in the world Those who succeed, and those who give up.


Top 5 People I want to fight!

Wow, its been a while since my last post. But have no fear I'm back in action!
People may think this to be a pretty cruel topic to write about, but its something I want to get off my chest, so here we go!

Number 5: The zoom zoom kid.
Reasoning: I have no idea why I do not like this kid, but ever since those retarded commercials started airing, I have hated that kids voice and wanted to fight him!
Chance of winning the fight: 83%

Number 4:The entire MCR(My Chemical Romance)band.
Reasoning: I hate the band, there a disgrace to music and I do not like their style or anything about them, seems like a pretty good reason to want to fight them, I don't care how many of them they are, I don't think they will be able to beat me with their tight pants and long hair.
Chance of winning the fight: 30%

Number 3: Derek Boogaard.
Reasoning: The dude is huge, and when you want to test how strong you are find the biggest, baddest looking person you can think of. The dude is one of the biggest players in the NHL at 6'7 and 270 lbs, the dude is a monster and has most frequently put his mark on the NHL by breaking Todd Fedoruk's face. This man is one of my favorite fighters in the NHL and I want to fight him, just so I can say at parties "Yea, well I have fought Derek Boogaard!"
Chance of winning the fight: -93%

Number 2: Dylan McNabb.
Reasoning: This was sort of a request, I was thinking of putting him on there but being my cousin and all I didn't think it was right to put him on here but he asked so. Dylan is a blue belt in judo, and a all around tough guy. This is the one fight on here that might happen if we decide to fight for fun, in a hockey style slug fest. That fight won't be happening till my concussion, broken nose and bruised neck go away.
Chance of winning the fight: 50% (seems like a fair fight!)

And coming in at number 1, you may not have expected this one, but here it is.
Number 1: Who ever the hell is reading this.
Reasoning: The reason I want to fight you is because your reading my blog, and you wanted to see if you were the top 5 list of people I wanted to fight, so here you are!
Chance of winning the fight: 100%! (unless Derek Boogaard is reading this!)

So enjoy the list and if I get enough comments I will make a top 10, and if you want to fight me, leave a comment about it, and I will fight you, that is no lie!

Keep your feet on the ground!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Love: Is it really what we think it is?

Lately I've been thinking about love, with all my friends starting to get into relationships, they say they are in "love" with the person.

My question to you is,can a person really be in "love" with someone after a few days of dating, or do people starting feeling emotions for a person and immediately call it love? I highly doubt that their in "love".

The last relationship I was in, the girl wanted me to put I Love her, in my MSN name, and then I got to thinking about it. If I truly did love her, and she truly loved me, why did I have to put it in my msn name? Which brings me onto my next point, why do people find it obvious to tell their girlfriend/boyfriend that they love them everyday, the person should know that you love them, why else would you be dating? I would find it suspicious that my girlfriend found it necessary to tell me that she loved me every time she saw me. Could just be me though.

And this brings me to my final point about peoples false view on love. My friend who's been with his girlfriend for over a year and a half, and he just bought his girlfriend a 300 dollar necklace, keep in mind that he is only 16. I would think that if a girl truly loved me, she wouldn't want me to spend that kind of money on her, and I wouldn't feel that I would need to. I would hope that the time we spend together, would be worth more then any jewelry I could buy for her.

Thanks for reading,

Virginia Tech: Our thoughts are with you.

If you had been reading my old blog, you would know I like to make jokes about things and I use the Screen Name, Clubbytheseal. But today I am posting as Ian, and there will be no jokes in this update.
Most of you may know that yesterday, there was a tragedy at Virginia Tech College, 33 people were killed by a gunman who attended the school, his name was Cho Seung-Hui, and he was 23. Many people say that he was a social outcast, a "loner" is what they called him. They say that he committed this monstrosity because of a feud with his girlfriend, but most people don't kill 33 people, because of a argument with there girlfriend.

Jack Thompson is a useless human being. Jack comes out on the day of the shooting and announces that Cho Seung- Hui played violent video games, and that was the reason he did what he did. That is complete horse shit, even if he did play video games, their is no need for a person to say something like that after such a tragedy, I'm pretty sure the parents of the people who lost there lives aren't going to want to hear that the person who murdered there children, played video games, that doesn't matter to them, their children have been killed.

To end this update I would like to say one thing to the families of those who were killed.
Mourn not the time that you will miss with you're loved ones, but remember the time that you had with them.
I would ask you all to pray for the families of those who lost their loved ones.

Thanks for reading,