Saturday, June 9, 2007

What is the meaning of life.

What is the meaning of life? A question man has pondered for many years, centuries even. But what is the real meaning of life.
The answer, is 42 (most of you should get that joke. If not, leave this blog now).
But what is the real meaning of life, well in my opinion there is no "meaning" of life or what we think the meaning should be. To me life is all about having fun, living, loving and laughing with your friends and having a good time. Sure people are gonna do bad things to you every now and again, and you should handle those how you see fit (in my case its fighting, but thats not for everyone). I don't think the whole live life being nice and doing good things for everyone even if they are bad to you comes into play with the meaning of life. To mean if someone does something wrong to me I'm going to do something equally as wrong to them, the eye for an eye method of doing things. Sure I let stuff slide every now and again but most of the time you should not let people push you around.
Really what I'm trying to say is be yourself and live how you want to live, don't let any "rules of living" keep you from having fun. I mean that in limited way, don't go killing lads and lasses just to have a bit of fun. Have fun within legal status, and do things that won't hurt other people, unless of course its sports then have as much fun wailing on people as you like.
Well I guess I did just pretty much explain what I think life is all about, and I'm pretty sure that it is pretty much a "meaning" of life, I guess I just put in my two cents on how you should live your life.

Their are two types of people in the world Those who succeed, and those who give up.


1 comment:

Joe said...

I tend to agree, although the meaning of life question is one many "causes" have taken advantage of to rally others to them, Nobody knows the meaning of life, so easily anyone can ask that question to create a desire in another for something more. What is the meaning of Car? well, it really has no meaning but when asked one might try to put a meaning to it, and lacking the ability to create a meaning for something without meaning, they are suseptable to having meaning given to them from another. All of which is falsehood. What is the meaning of life? -don't ask such silly questions and LIVE YOUR LIFE! kudos.